Fitted 'sweataway' performance T shirt | DeathBlo
Fitted 'sweataway' performance T shirt | DeathBlo
Charger l'image dans la galerie, Fitted 'sweataway' performance T shirt | DeathBlo
Charger l'image dans la galerie, Fitted 'sweataway' performance T shirt | DeathBlo

Fitted 'sweataway' performance T shirt | DeathBlo

Prix régulier £29.99

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We wanted to create a 'gym bunnie' t-shirt so you can swag about, lifting weights and sprinting on the treadmill at your local basic bitch gym...just for when you need to do your cardio and strength training. Polyester has amazing drying properties and natural wicking ability.

100% polyester T, designed to fit the Nak Muays lean fighting torso. You can get totally sweaty in this and it washes out easy. Screws up nicely to fit into your sports bag. Groovy little skull and crossbones tag on the back of the right sleeve.

If you are not 100% happy with your muay thai t shirt you can return it within 30 days for a full refund.



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